OMEGA Processing Solutions Celebrates 15 Years!

October 17, 2018


OMEGA Processing Solutions was started in 2003 by co-owners Scott Anderson and Todd McHugh. Prior to starting OMEGA, both owners had worked in the credit card processing industry where they saw, and still see today, a niche that is being underserved in multiple markets.

The payments processing industry is consistently characterized by either very large or very small providers. The giants are production shops, catering to the masses, leaving the little guys with a lack of personalized customer care and unfair terms. Conversely, the small providers may bring a more personalized touch, but don’t have the backing to offer competitive pricing, nor the control to commit to a consistent level of service. The realization of such opposing industry standards led to the conception of OMEGA Processing Solutions.

OMEGA serves businesses of all sizes across multiple markets. OMEGA is dedicated to remaining small enough to provide every merchant with customized service, but large enough to deliver the complete customer experience at highly competitive prices.  The notion of a complete customer experience is one of the main reasons they chose the name OMEGA. Omega is the last letter in the Greek alphabet. “We strongly believe that once your business partners with OMEGA, we will be the last credit card processor you will choose,” explains CEO Todd McHugh.

Since the start of the business, OMEGA has grown from 0 merchants, 3 employees and $0 in processing volume to over 5,000 merchants in 40 states, 40 employees and over $2.1 billion in processing volume. The leadership team gives their credit for their success to their customer centric approach that puts customers, partners and employees first.

Their slogan “Building Prosperity, One Life at a Time” is another element they take into consideration when making business decisions. When asked what the slogan means to him, McHugh replied,

“It’s a very personal statement that can take on a very wide variety of meanings. The word prosperity could be financial gain to one person or a new partnership to another. It can mean a new and rewarding job or helping a child in need. One life at a time could mean an employee, a customer, a partner, or any other constituent. So, when we talk about building prosperity one life at a time, it is a guide that we use to determine how we interact and behave with every individual with whom we come in contact.”

OMEGA is a proud member of the communities in which they operate and live. They believe that at the end of the day business and personal development are inextricably linked. When they help the communities that they serve, they help the very people who own businesses, purchase goods and services, and employees who work in those same communities.

This year OMEGA is celebrating their 15th year in business. When starting the company back in 2003 Anderson and McHugh believed they would build a sustainable, enduring enterprise that was built on a solid business plan, a foundation of hard work, great employees, and a customer first approach. “It’s certainly rewarding to see the business come to fruition,” McHugh said, “and we do pinch ourselves each day thinking about where we started and where we are today.”

Are Your Business Customers Set Up for Holiday Season Success?

October 3, 2018

It may be 80+ degrees outside right now, but trust us, winter is coming. And with the cold weather comes Thanksgiving, Saint Nicholas Day, Hanukkah, Christmas, etc. Stores already have holiday decorations out and we can all agree that Christmas comes earlier and earlier each year.

Did you know that when retailers switch from paper certificates to a custom gift card program, they generally see a 50 – 100% increases in revenue? Make sure your business banking customers are set up to receive these revenue boosters this holiday season! Next time you talk with one of your business customers, be sure to remind them of a few statistics:Holiday giftcard

  • Over $100 billion is spent annually on gift cards
  • A majority of gift card recipients spend an average of 38 percent MORE than the face value of the card. That means a customer coming into your location and using a $25 gift card, will spend, on average, $34.50.
  • Card users are less price sensitive. Consumers are 2.5 times as likely to pay full price for an item when using a gift card.

Remember to include a few tips as to how they can best leverage their gift car program to help boost their holiday sales.

  • Display your cards in top traffic areas, including check out, hostess stands or customer service desks.
  • Include a gift card reminder on sales receipts.
  • Add an incentive to gift card purchases, such as an extra $10 card or a small gift.
  • Host a prize drawing for all shoppers who purchase a gift card.
  • Donate preloaded cards to a local charity, school festival or other community event.
  • Post gift card reminder messages throughout your website.
  • Train and incentivize your staff to sell gift cards, including messaging on name tags, buttons or hats.

There are a lot of gift card programs out there. How does OMEGA’s program stand out in the crowded marketplace? For one thing, our cards double as a customer loyalty/rewards card. Your customers can enroll users into their loyalty program to strengthen ties with the customer.

We also offer professionally designed and customized accessories, such as envelops, card holders, display stands and signage. Our program also comes with a free mobile app, so they’ll never miss the opportunity for a gift card sale or redemption.

Remember, when you set your business banking customers up for a gift and loyalty program, you’re not only helping with their success—you’re strengthening your relationship with that business and creating a lifelong partnership between them and your bank.

Ready to learn more and help get your customers set up for this holiday season? Contact OMEGA’s Customer Service department at 866.888.9724 Ext. 7 for more information on OMEGA’s Gift & Loyalty Program!

Enter the Gateway to Ease and Savings

September 28, 2018

The Gateway to Easy use Payment Processing is Here

The days of complex payment gateways are behind us. This summer, OMEGA Processing Solutions rolled out a new payment gateway option with PayTrace. Along with PayTrace’s extensive list of products and features, PayTrace’s biggest marketplace advantage is the ease and lower cost of Level II and Level III qualifications for B2B and B2G merchants – saving you money.

What is PayTrace?

Simply put, PayTrace is a payment gateway providing comprehensive, easy-to-use payment processing solutions to your OMEGA account.  PayTrace’s products and features include:

  • Point of Sale: Simple payment processing that allows you to accept payments with or without a card.
  • Mail and Phone (MOTO): Card-not-present processing with secure customer storage vault, B2B interchangePayTrace2 savings and other features.
  • E-commerce: Secure website integration and card processing with B2B interchange savings and developer-friendly APIs.
  • Mobile PayTrace GO: 2-in-1 mobile solution allows swiped and keyed sales transactions with full virtual terminal functionality
  • Cash Advance: Web-based cash advance systems for financial institutions, eliminating the need for expensive, countertop terminals.

Knowing all businesses have different needs, PayTrace has four product offerings – Basic, Pro, Pro with EMV, and Cash Advance. Each product enjoys the same five-star support from OMEGA Processing Solutions and PayTrace.

Level II and III Interchange Savings

The most important advantage PayTrace offers the marketplace is the interchange savings with Level II and III data.

Interchange Refresh

When it comes to qualifying for lower interchange fees, the general rule of thumb is “the more information, the better.” Nowhere is this more true than B2B and B2G transactions. By including additional data, these transactions can qualify for lower interchange rates. The problem is, the higher the level, the more data required (tax amount, customer code, merchant postal code, tax identification information and much more).

PayTrace’s Solution

PayTrace improves and simplifies the Level II and III interchange qualification process, making it simpler to qualify for interchange savings. The platform identifies which transactions from adding Level II and III data, intelligently calculating, and pre-populating fields. Common interchange reductions are around 0.50% lower than typical sales for Level II while Level III interchange rates are often 0.80-1.00% lower than their standard counterparts. You can see a B2B merchant processing large orders would greatly benefit from data input!

How Does It Work?

The sophisticated platform is able to notify you in real time if a transaction may benefit from Level III data, eliminating the need to add information to transactions that would not benefit. PayTrace auto-fills your personalized default Visa and MasterCard templates, and highlights what might need to be added. You can view and configure any additional data to your pending settlements with ease, allowing for lower interchange rates and putting more money in your pocket. It works in tangent with your OMEGA merchant account to automatically qualify your cards at the lowest possible interchange rates.

Concerned Learning a New Gateway Will Be Difficult?

Don’t be! OMEGA’s Customer Service Team has been highly trained in helping our merchants get the most out of our products and services. We build the account to YOUR specifications, train your employees, and always follow up to make sure the full savings is being realized. Additionally, PayTrace has a considerable library of demonstration videos available for training and support. The company has also developed a PayTrace blog as a resource. The time and money you’ll save through their user-friendly platform and decreased interchange rates will be worth it.

Call OMEGA Processing Solutions at 866.888.9724 Ext. 7 for more information and a product demonstration.


*Level III Data not available on Basic option

Has Your Bottom Line Seen the Benefits of Mobile Pay?

September 19, 2018

Mobile payments are one of the fastest growing sectors in the fintech industry, with more and more businesses realizing the benefits of getting on board. It not only brings convenience to your customers, but it benefits your bottom line.

The Ease of Purchasing


You’ve heard it before: convenience is key. The importance on convenience in payment processing is paramount and is why going mobile is great for your business. Think of Amazon’s One-Click-Ordering. The easier and more convenient it is for consumers to spend money, the more they’ll want to buy. This difference is well-documented when it comes to paying with card as opposed to cash. In fact, studies found that consumers spent 12-18% more when they paid with card than with cash. This trend is only further exaggerated with mobile payments because it makes spending money easier.

Picture This

Imagine a customer walking into your business with a $10 bill in their pocket. If the option for credit card or mobile pay isn’t available, they can only spend up to $10. But when alternative payment options are available, customers have the flexibility to purchase and get MORE of what they want.

The time are changing when it comes to how people want to pay for things. The convenience of having banking and payment option on your cell phone are leading more and more people to leave their bulky wallets behind and leave their home with only their phone in hand. With mobile payments, simple tap of a phone or swipe in an app and customers can make their purchase with ease and be out the door.

Bottom Line?

Simply put, the more streamlined the process of paying becomes, the greater availability customers have in purchasing what they want. Mobile payments are the current high-standard for ease of ordering. The more mobile-friendly your business, the easier it is for customers to buy and therefore increasing your average sales.

Want to learn more about mobile payments? Contact us today at 866.888.9724 Ext. 7

The Holidays Are Coming..Are You Ready?

September 18, 2018

holiday-shoppingIt may be 80+ degrees outside right now, but trust us, winter is coming. And with the cold weather comes Thanksgiving, Saint Nicholas Day, Hanukkah, Christmas, etc. Stores already have holiday decorations out and we can all agree that Christmas comes earlier and earlier each year.

Are you ready for it? If not, don’t worry there’s still time! One thing you can do today is get enrolled in a gift card program. Gift cards are perennially the most requested holiday gift item. That means getting your gift card program set up and ready to go should be a priority! Still not convinced, check out these statistics:

  • Over $100 billion is spent annually on gift cards
  • A majority of gift card recipients spend an average of 38 percent MORE than the face value of the card. That means a customer coming into your location and using a $25 gift card, will spend, on average, $34.50.
  • Card users are less price sensitive. Consumers are 2.5 times as likely to pay full price for an item when using a gift card.

Wondering how you can best leverage your gift card program to boost your holiday sales? Here are a few tips:

  • Display your cards in top traffic areas, including check out, hostess stands or customer service desks.
  • Include a gift card reminder on sales receipts.
  • Add an incentive to gift card purchases, such as an extra $10 card or a small gift.
  • Host a prize drawing for all shoppers who purchase a gift card.
  • Donate preloaded cards to a local charity, school festival or other community event.
  • Post gift card reminder messages throughout your website.
  • Train and incentivize your staff to sell gift cards, including messaging on name tags, buttons or hats.

There are a lot of gift card programs out there. How does OMEGA’s program stand out in the crowded marketplace? For one thing, our cards double as a customer loyalty/rewards card. You can enroll users into your loyalty program to strengthen ties with the customer.

We also offer professionally designed and customized accessories, such as envelops, card holders, display stands and signage. Our program also comes with a free mobile app, so you never miss the opportunity for a gift card sale or redemption.

Ready to get your planning started for the holiday selling season? Contact OMEGA’s Customer Service department at 866.888.9724 Ext. 7 for an account analysis and program demonstration.

Are Your Business Merchants’ Services Meeting Their Current Needs?

September 5, 2018

merchant meeting photo

Every year, you visit your doctor to answer questions and run tests to ensure you are in good health. Similarly, as a bank representative, your job is often to poke and prod into the well-being of your customers by conducting a “financial checkup”. While each banking institution may use various sets of guidelines and practices when performing a service review, there are some questions all reps should keep in mind when talking with their business merchants.

Here are three questions you should research and relay to your customer:

  1. How has the merchant’s evolution changed their needs for different services/accounts?

As their organization evolves, so does their banking needs. Whether they’ve opened a new location or streamlined their brick and mortar efforts to reduce overhead costs, there may need to be adjustments made to their accounts/services to reflect their business’s changes. Check to see if there are redundancies in their accounts or if any services should be consolidated. Not only does this save the merchant from paying for services that aren’t being fully utilized, it also helps them build a stronger trust and relationship with you, leaving your customer assured you have their best interest at heart.

  1. What is the function of each specific service they have?

This is also an opportune time to review and explain each service the organization currently uses in detail. While reviewing, you and your customer can better determine if it sill fits the business’s requirements. If it’s been a while since you’ve reviewed their banking services, you may also suggest services that you believe might be a better fit for the merchant’s current needs.

  1. If a new product/service is being offered, what previous services are being replaced? 

Weigh the pros and cons against suggesting a new service to your client. Will the new service be replacing a current one? Check to see if the addition would cause any redundant or overlapping services and adjust as needed. Be sure to sufficiently explain why the new product is a good choice for their business so that the merchant fully understands the benefits.

Your conversation with your business merchants can help determine what services can be adjusted or streamlined to best suit their needs going forward. Remember, as their business grows and evolves, so does their banking needs. Ensure you clarify how each product works and how it benefits their needs. Your merchants should leave feeling confident that the services they are utilizing are the right fit.

Sales are up 100%!

August 22, 2018

back to school gc

“Sales are up 100%!” For business owners, there isn’t a much better phrase you could hear. Did you know that when retailers switch from paper certificates to a custom gift card program they generally see a 50-100% increase in revenue? Be sure to set up your business for success, today!

School is just beginning, and parents are planning for this year’s classes. Next time you assume gift cards are just something ‘nice to have’, be sure to remind yourself of a few facts:

  • 65% of gift card holders spend an extra 38% beyond the value of the card.
  • The total volume of gift cards is projected to reach $160 billion by the end of this year!
  • Having a gift card that doubles as a customer rewards card is proven to increase customer retention.

While the majority of back-to-school shopping dollars will be spent on clothing, supplies and electronics, merchants of all types can find marketing opportunities to take advantage of the increased spending season. Consider these ideas:

  • Students return to college campuses, armed with gift cards to their favorite restaurants, stores and local activities. Consider a gift card incentive promotion, allowing students to turn their gift cards into loyalty cards and accumulate points to their favorite spots.
  • Teachers and parents alike would like to give and take time to visit salons, health clubs, specialty retailers and others. Consider partnering with PTOs to host fundraising nights. A percentage of sales on that particular day could be donated to a shared local organization.

OMEGA Processing offers a secure, reloadable, customized Gift & Loyalty Programs providing a valuable, low cost method that allows businesses to increase profits, attract new customers and build loyalty from current customers. The gift cards also double as customer rewards cards. Register the customers into the loyalty program when they redeem the card and keep them coming back!

Remember, when you set your business up with gift and loyalty programs, you are not only boosting your bottom line, but you’re strengthening your relationship with that customer and every other customer that comes through the door.

Contact OMEGA’s Customer Service department at 866.888.9724 for an account analysis and program demonstration.

Introducing Poynt… The World’s First Smart Terminal

August 15, 2018

The Poynt smart terminal from OMEGA Processing Solutions lets you accept payments anywhere, with the security and convenience you expect.

  • Separate screens for the merchant and customer — no separate pinpad or rotating the terminal on the countertop
  • Complete wireless payment solution
  • EMV and mobile-pay ready
  • Extended battery life
  • Built-in receipt printer and scanner
  • Inventory management and reporting
  • Customized product/item catalog
  • 24/7 support
  • Next-day funding available
  • American Express OptBlue
  • Gift card and customer loyalty programs

Plus, all of our terminal products are backed by the security and convenience of OMEGA Processing Solutions.

  • A+ BBB rated processor
  • NO contract or early termination fees
  • Flexible terminal payment plans
  • Locally based Account Executive


OMEGA Processing’s Kim Polark Earns ETA’s CPP Certification

July 25, 2018

Company adds to its ranks of Certified Payments Professionals

[FORT THOMAS, Kentucky – July 25, 2018] OMEGA Processing Solutions announced today that payments-industry veteran, Kim Polark, has earned the designation of ETA Certified Payments Professional (CPP), the professional certification program administered by the Electronics Transactions Association. By successfully meeting the ETA’s rigorous certification examination requirements, Polark has joined an exclusive community of electronic transactions professionals who have earned this distinguished certification.

As Portfolio Division Manager, Polark leads the OMEGA Processing’s Merchant Relationship Team. She has a decade of experience in various roles within the payments industry.

The ETA CPP program sets the standard for professional performance in the payments industry and is a symbol of excellence. It signifies that an individual has demonstrated the knowledge and skills required to perform competently in today’s complex electronic payments environment. The program recognizes that today’s merchant service providers must have a broad knowledge of the industry and must demonstrate mastery not only of sales, but also pricing and interchange, business process, operations and workflow, products and solutions, as well as risk, regulatory, compliance and security matters.

With less than 2 percent of professionals in the payments industry receiving this designation, the commitment shown by OMEGA and its employees to the ETA CPP certification signifies the company’s dedication to industry excellence and increased customer satisfaction. OMEGA Processing Solutions prides itself in having another one its associates secure this honor.

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Photo Credit: Bruce Morris Photography

About the Electronic Transactions Association (ETA)

ETA is an international trade association representing more than 500 companies that offer electronic transaction processing products and services. ETA’s mission is to advance the payments industry profession by providing leadership through education, advocacy and the exchange of information.

About OMEGA Processing Solutions

Celebrating its 15th year of operation in 2018, OMEGA Processing Solutions is a premium provider of electronic transaction processing and data delivery. The company offers electronic payments processing, B2B and e-commerce solutions, mobile payments, point-of-sale system integration, short-term capital funding and gift card programs to thousands of businesses across the United States. OMEGA has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau and is a member of the Cincinnati BBB’s Ethics Allies. Headquartered in Greater Cincinnati, OMEGA also has regional offices in the Cedar Rapids, Iowa, and Louisville, Kentucky, markets. For more information, please visit or call 866.888.9724.

Interchange Savings Tool Now Available from OMEGA Processing Solutions

June 11, 2018

OMEGA Processing Solutions is proud to offer merchants a new interchange savings tool. A payment gateway providing comprehensive, easy-to-use payment processing solutions, features include:

  • Point of Sale: Simple payment processing that allows you to accept payments with or without a card.
  • Mail and Phone (MOTO): Card-not-present processing with secure customer storage vault, B2B interchange savings and other features.
  • E-commerce: Secure website integration and card processing with B2B interchange savings and developer-friendly APIs.
  • Mobile: 2-in-1 mobile solution allows swiped and keyed sales transactions with full virtual terminal functionality
  • Cash Advance: Web-based cash advance systems for financial institutions, eliminating the need for expensive, countertop terminals.

The new interchange savings tool has four product offerings – Basic, Pro, Pro with EMV and Cash Advance. The biggest marketplace advantage is the ease and lower cost of Level II and Level III qualifications for B2B and B2G merchants. NOTE: The Basic product does not include Level III data.

Call OMEGA Processing Solutions at 866.888.9724 Ext. 7 for more information and a product demonstration.

OMEGA Interchange pic